PRO: Include Juniors in Senior Fun

Throughout modern high school history, upperclassmen have ruled supreme over the timid freshmen and sophomores. Juniors and seniors traditionally share jurisdiction and respect in this domain. So the question presents itself: why is prom night solely guaranteed to the seniors?
“We should have a junior and senior prom because both classes are very close. Regardless of age, juniors and seniors get along very well and engage with each other socially inside and outside of school,” junior Aiden Perrenoud, who attended prom this year accompanying a senior as a date, said.
RHS one of the only high schools in MCPS that does not have a junior prom, while schools such as Richard Montgomery HS (RMHS) and Quince Orchard HS (QOHS) do.
There are few celebratory events at RHS, and not enough opportunities for the junior class to bond before senior year. Having a junior prom would help address this issue in a fun and effective manner.
QOHS sophomore Patty Dirlam says, “At my school, prom is a great thing. The junior SGA organizes the whole event for the seniors. Since the juniors are involved in planning the event, they should be able to attend.”
There would be no extra cost in having a junior-senior prom since it is not a money making event. “We don’t make money off prom. Your prom ticket pays for the prom. It is not a fundraiser,” math teacher and current prom coordinator Lindsay Junkins said.
Not only is there is no extra cost involved, but seniors will get to enjoy their last and biggest high school event with most of their closest friends and schoolmates, some of whom will be their dates anyway. It’s time for seniors to share the spotlight at next year’s prom.