Top Athletes Train Off-Season


Senior Conor Jordan dodges a defender in a home game against Watkins Mill. Athletes often extend their seasons into the summer to keep in top condition for fall sports.

Senior Conor Jordan dodges a defender in a home game against Watkins Mill. Athletes often extend their seasons into the summer to keep in top condition for fall sports. — Anthony Sanchez, The Lambpage

Sports for the 2011-2012 school year have come and gone, each with their own accomplishments and hardships. Now begins the time when athletes must work during the offseason to sharpen their skills for next year.

Playing a sport requires year round commitment from both coaches and players. After the regular season has ended, players and coaches only have a week or two to rest and recuperate before training begins. Training is a vital part of any team. When players and coaches do not show commitment during this time, they are destined for a slow start come the beginning of the official season. “The offseason is a crucial part to any successful season,” said math teacher and boy’s lacrosse coach Kurt Kohler. “It builds the foundation for the actual season so that the players and coaches come out strong.” All teams at RHS are participating in some sort of activity while not participating in their main sport. Players have the option to play an alternative sport to help them stay in shape. The football team is required to participate on the track team or another sport to continue building their stamina and strength. Other players choose to participate in a single sport year round, constantly working and improving on the skills that they had acquired during the official and post season. This type of year round dedication, either playing a single sport year round or playing multiple sports, is required amongst athletes and coaches for a successful record. The offseason establishes which players are committed to the sports they are playing and which are not. Probably the most important part of participating in these team activities would be the bond that it builds amongst players. “The offseason is a great time to build unity in a team; this is when a team really starts to bond,” said junior James Carter. Carter will be participating in summer leagues and practices for the baseball team to hone his skills for next season. During this time off, new leaders rise to replace those who have graduate or departed. Every year, varsity sports lose some of their most influential players who became a key part of the team. Teams must not waste time and should quickly fill these leadership roles. This position could either be filled by incoming seniors or even by the incoming freshman class of next year. Sports require year round dedication to bring out the best in their athletes and in their coaches. “As soon as the post season is over, the offseason training should start,” said junior Marcus Hailstock. If players wish to continue their varsity careers or want to start one, they cannot wait and must do it on their own.