Politics in Review: Election Day Candidates
November 30, 2011
Election Day 2012 is almost about a year away, but before voting or supporting a candidate, people must know who they are and what they support.
There are several issues that the candidates are tackling. Some of the issues are: immigration, education, religion and the economy. Another big issue discussed at the debates is Obama’s healthcare plan that passed in spring 2010, which most of the candidates want to repeal.
One of the candidates in the race is Texas Congressman Ron Paul. Paul wants to reduce the role of government by ending departments such as The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Reserve. He has stated that the United States should not intervene in other countries but should still give support. According to http://www.Journalism.org, Paul has received the least amount of media attention. Paul has won most of the straw polls and has a huge amount of supporters.
The only female candidate in the race is Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. She is considered to be one of the most religious candidates. Bachmann was the winner of the August Iowa Straw poll with Ron Paul coming in second by about a percent. Bachmann will not win because she has given wrong facts in her speeches such as “Obama put us in Libya, now he put us in Africa”. Libya is actually in Africa.
The candidate currently leading in the polls is Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain. Cain is famous for his “9-9-9” Economic Plan. He plans to cut business, individual and national taxes by 9 percent. He says it is “fair, simple, efficient, neutral and transparent.” Cain is a supporter of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and opposes any plan for withdrawal of troops. Cain will not win because in early Nov., it was revealed that he allegedly had sexual relations with several female employees when he was head of the National Restaurant Association.
The candidate that is tied with Cain in the polls is former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney. According to http://www.Education.com, Romney supports No Child Left Behind, saying it helps improve schools. Like Cain, Romney is also a supporter of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Romney will not win because he wrote President Obama’s healthcare plan.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has had a neutral campaign since announcing his run on Mar. 11, 2011. According to http://www.RealClearPolitics.com, he is in fourth place in the average polls. He also has the least amount of endorsements. In June, most of his campaign resigned but spent most of July reviving his campaign.
The only candidate that is strong enough to win the Republican Nomination is Ron Paul. When he ran for president in 2008, he was in last place in almost every poll. This year, he has finished in fourth place or better in every straw poll. He has been consistent with his views for several years. In each debate, instead of arguing with other candidates, he answers the questions with details and gets a standing ovation each time.