Student Wins National Makeup Contest

This September, junior Joelle Miller won the Creature from the Depths of the Deepest Oceans special effects makeup contest hosted by Bloody Mary: Makeup to Die For, a line of Halloween special effects makeup.

Miller's brother Edan Miller was her model for the special effects makeup contest.
Miller’s brother Edan Miller was her model for the special effects makeup contest. Photo Courtesy of Joelle Miller.


Q: How does it feel to win the contest?

A: I was really excited! It was only the second contest that I have ever entered. It validates that I am doing a good job and proves that I can make it in the world doing what I love.

Q: How much time did it take to do the makeup for the contest?

A: The makeup for the contest took a bit over an hour and a half, but removal took a good 45 minutes after.


Q: How long have you been doing special effects makeup?

A: I have been doing SPFX makeup since I was 10 years old, but have toyed with makeup since I was six. I got my job with Bloody Mary SPFX last year and have loved it ever since.


Q: Do you plan to continue doing special effects makeup in the future?

A: Yes, SPFX is my passion and I can see myself having a career in it. After I graduate I plan to go to a technical college and double major in SPFX makeup and cosmetology.