Junior Wins RamIdol Second Year in a Row
March 8, 2011
On March 5 at the annual RamIdol singing competition held in the auditorium, junior Genevieve Dubroof outcompeted runner-up sophomore Sontanna Cremins by only a single point, and became a RamIdol winner for a second year in a row.
There were three judges at the event: physical education teacher Frank Weaver, interpreter Kellie Schorr and chorus teacher Ronald Johnson. Each judged the contestants on the basis of their vocals, stage presence and more. The judges gave each contestant a score range from one to ten, with ten being the best possible score a singer could receive. The judges also left comments with their scoring, noting their score and the singer’s performance.
RamIdol consisted of a variety of song genres, such as rock, pop, alternative and more, which made the song choice enjoyable for all. Each contestant also had his or her own style of singing, adding to the variety of the event. “Everyone sang different types of music and it sounded good,” said junior Adam Sadozai.

The event started out with elementary school children singing their own set of songs. However the actual event took place soon after with the high school contestants. Each contestant sang two songs each before the first round of eliminations. Then, another song was sung by each of the remaining singers. Lastly, there was the final round of eliminations in which the first place winner was selected; this happened to be Dubroof.
Each singer performed exceptionally well, as the judges left mostly positive comments such as “[good] stage presence,” and more. And of course with each finishing song, the crowd erupted into a large roar. There were also very entertaining singers, such as junior Sam Elmore, who rocked his stage with his energetic dances and stage motions.
The first elimination yielded this year’s finalists, who also had stellar performances: sophomore Sara Huang, Cremins, Dubroof, sophomore Alexis Washington and Elmore. Some notable songs by these finalists included Cremin’s “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus and Huang’s “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz.
Overall, the event was judged to be a success, as the crowd remained enthusiastic throughout the whole program while the singers provided great entertainment with their beautiful vocals and fun stage performances. “[I am] looking forward to next years’ Ram Idola��I can’t wait to go,” said Sadozai.
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