(Left to right) Seniors Lyna Bentahar, Leo Blondel and Lena Bradley sit on the bleachers and blows bubbles before the start of the pep rally.Lady Rams varsity tennis team enter the gym at the start of the pep rally.The senior section excitedly cheer on various fall sports teams.Senior Erik Blautzik smiles for the camera during the pep rally.(Left to right) Senior football players, Brandon Geddes, Manny Essien, Brandon Taylor and Erik Blautzik pose for a picture.Junior Mia Krawczel displays her baton twirling abilities.Senior Poms captain, Samantha Dellenoci prepares to perform during the pep rally.The Poms team prepare to perform.The Poms team performs.Senior Courtney Herzog blows bubbles during the pep rally.Sophomore volleyball player, Jillian Krawczel participates in the Oreo challenge, where she attempts to eat an Oreo that is placed on her nose without using her hands.Senior Brendan Gage takes part in the bucket challenge, where his teammate attempts to toss a tennis ball into the bucket on his head.Senior Inferno leader, James Morey blows bubbles by the senior section of the pep rally.Students participate in a pie eating contest during the pep rally.Senior students chant “freshmen” and “we can’t hear you” during the pep rally.
Junior Alexa Stewart accepts banners for swimming.
After COVID-19 affected the world, everything from work to school seemed to move primarily online. In Feb., even the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) announced they will officially...