Inferno Leader, senior James Morey, poses with spirited fans and friends, seniors Max Skoglund, Mark Pankowski, and Alexander Nagy.
Rockville in a play against WJ. The Rams on defense.
Senior cheerleaders Brendan Andrews and Mackailee Culotta perform a stunt for the fans and cheering to support the football players.The white hot inferno student section looks towards the scoreboard, reading 26-7, Rockville, with three minutes left before half-time.Orange and Black bleed in the Walter Johnson stadium. “I am so proud to go to Rockville. We have such a great community and spirited group of kids,” senior Anna Weiler said.Eager RHS fans watch the first game of the school-year unfold. “I love being a part of a school that dominates in school spirit both in our own school and away,” senior Courtney Herzog said.
After COVID-19 affected the world, everything from work to school seemed to move primarily online. In Feb., even the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) announced they will officially...