Let’s Handle Textbooks… Electronically
The next generation classes are using innovative technology such as computers to replace the standard classroom experience. — Magdalena Golczynski
March 11, 2011
Whether you would like to admit it or not, you have probably used Google to search for something rather outrageous. You have probably asked your beloved, all-knowing, all-powerful search engine some strange questions, and you have probably found comfort in the fact that many others wonder the same thing. However, it is unlikely that you have entered the search terms “replacing textbooks.”
If, for whatever reason, you have recently sat down at your computer and typed in these words when you really were planning on searching for the answers to your science homework, you likely noticed that more and more schools are throwing away textbooks in exchange for items like iPads, laptops, Kindles and other technological gadgets.
It is hard to ignore the fact that the Internet and television are quickly gaining prevalence over other forms of information exchange and consumption. This creates a need for new and different internet and television resources. Students are more likely to use a search engine like Google than their textbooks when they have a question, because of the speed and simplicity.
This idea of creating a more modern and technologically friendly school environment has sparked various reactions. Surely most students, if not all, would take carrying a sleek, 1.5 pound device like the iPad over lugging around a multi-pound textbook back and forth from class to class or from home to school.
Schools like Empire High School in Tucson, Az. and Clearwater High School in Tampa, Fl. are just two of several high schools adopting the idea of items like laptops replacing textbooks. Many teenagers already spend copious amounts of time on electronic devices, like phones and iPods. The transition from textbooks to slender electronics would surely create changes in schoolwork, but adjustment would not be difficult.
As times are changing and new inventions are being advertised all over our televisions, it should only make sense that schools keep up, at least to a certain extent. Though this should not call for music classes to suddenly require all students to bring their iPods to class every day, it should call for an updated way of learning.
This is why it is essential that with the furthering of our technological opportunities, we do not lose sight of responsibility or necessity. Expanding the ways in which students can learn and teachers can inform is a great idea, if it is put into action wisely.
The advancement of technology in school is an important key in providing a higher learning and preparing high school students for their futures. University students have replaced hand-written notes for laptops. In reality, advanced technology is becoming more and more prevalent in all sorts of different careers.