Students Have Stopped Reading
June 3, 2013
Whether it is because of the distractions of the internet or huge workloads and obligations, fewer of today’s teens are reading books than ever before.
The Internet is largely responsible for distracting the hearts and minds of former library users everywhere. Instead of reading a book or even doing homework, teens have been reading the comments on their newest status updates simply because the Internet is faster and more relatable. Junior Liyi Li said, “The Internet distracts me a lot from getting my work done because I can’t concentrate.”
In a recent RHS poll, 60% of the students polled said that they have not read any books recreationally this school year. Furthermore, 43% do not even read the books assigned for English classes. Many find reading the books assigned within classes to be boring and unnecessary compared to their other responsibilities.
One of these major responsibilities is an abundance of homework. Freshman Manuella Djoumaleu said that last year she was able to read, on average, two to three books a week. Now she has yet to finish her third book of the year. “I don’t have time,” said Djoumaleu. “Between homework and studying, it just doesn’t fit in with the schedule.”
So whenever there truly isn’t any time in the schedule, websites such can be a savior. Reading book summaries on these websites can take half an hour versus reading the actual novel, which can take up to a week. English teacher Anne Ehlers said, “It breaks my heart whenever students don’t read the books assigned a�� It really affects the class.”
Although Sparknotes is not a substitute for actually reading the book, it can be highly helpful for students who need reminders or clarification on a book. Tools such as summaries and analyses can provide useful information on the characters and plot of just about any book.
Reading comprehension skills are vital in both the academic and real worlds. Many jobs are based upon understanding, analyzing and applying information gathered through reading. At the rate that most students are going today, the future looks dim and full of adults with merely functional illiteracy.