RamIdol Sneak Peak
March 2, 2011

With the third annual RamIdol on March 4, students and staff are searching for new and creative ways to improve the show since its inception two years ago.
The format for this year’s RamIdol is similar to that of last years. There will be four rounds, with three people voted off each round. In the final round, the two semifinalists will compete and a winner will be announced. The major changes to the show are not going to be in the performances. Instead, they will be during intermission.
In order to improve the show this year, show coordinators junior Isabella Peraerte and senior Emma Hankins have planned something new this year. “It was kind of boring last year,” said Peraerte. “This year, kids from Earle B. Wood and Meadow Hall Elementary are singing during intermission.”
Hankins and Peraerte are both expecting to have good competition this year, as many of last year’s competitors are returning, including last year’s winner, junior Geniveve Dubroof. In addition to last year’s returning champions, new and young competitors are coming out to perform. “We haven’t heard everyone sing, but the ones that we have heard are good,” said Peraerte. Both planners are hoping for improved success from last year.
Expectations for RamIdol are higher than ever. “[This year], I hope to raise as much money as possible… and I want the auditorium to be full,” said Hankins. There is also a change in the music from last year, as people have chosen more contemporary music. Perhaps this will lead to better individual performances.

For five dollars come out to see kids from elementary school, middle school and high school show case their singing talents. The only way to see all of the changes first hand is to come out to RamIdol. See you there!