Ram 2 Watch: Sophomore Ryan Wisler
Sophomore Ryan Wisler completes with his club team, running to move the ball down field.
Sophomore Ryan Wisler is one of the few varsity lacrosse players at RHS that has previous experience in the sport. With a team full of new players, everyone is working to build an understanding and appreciation for the game. Wisler’s experience playing has allowed him to take on a leadership role on the team.
This year, Wisler has stepped into his role as the captain to lead and teach others about the sport. Wisler has been playing lacrosse for 7 years, including playing on the varsity team at RHS his freshman year. Lacrosse has many positions including defense, attack, goalie, and midfield. Wisler plays midfield where he works both offensively and defensively on the field.
“As a midfielder, you are allowed to go on both sides of the field, one side on offense and one side on defense,” Wisler said.
Wisler is known to be a very versatile player, being able to fill in all the positions from goalie to attackman. He has taken his knowledge of the game to advance the team’s skill level. Coach Castro explained that Ryan has already filled in for other roles the team needs to be filled.
“As for level of play, Ryan can pretty much do it all. He is a midfielder and if we need an attackman he is an attackman. Right now, as of this week, he is also playing long-stick midfielder,” varsity coach Jimmy Castro explained. “So he is playing a lot of defense as well and he is currently standing as our backup goalie as well. So if anything happens with our goalie, he is going in.”
Despite being on the younger side of the team, he is working to lead the team to victory and a sounder understanding of the game. While it is difficult being a varsity captain as a sophomore, he is working hard to develop and succeed with his team, he said. Being on varsity can be very time and energy-consuming, but Wisler gives it his all, on and off the field, he said.
“On the varsity level, you have to be prepared to give everything you’ve got in order to perform at high levels. You need to be able to give 100% of your energy 100% of the time,” Wisler explained.
Moving forward, Wisler is predicted to be a big threat to talented opponents, Castro said. He will be competing with juniors and seniors as a sophomore and is ready, with the support of his coaches and team.
“I think Ryan is a very talented player, and I think that other seniors and juniors on other teams will have a problem playing against Ryan,” Coach Castro said.

This is Eleanor Gensemer's freshman year and is her first year with the rampage. She enjoys writing features and news. Eleanor also plays travel softball...